Rethinking Marxism (RM) is a peer-reviewed journal produced by the Association for Economic and Social Analysis and published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis.
Current Issue
Volume 36 Issue 4 2024
Beat Dietschy and Ana Cecilia Dinerstein
Burç Köstem
Benjamin Selwyn
Of Extensions and Subtractions
Ilan Kapoor, Gavin Fridell, Maureen Sioh and Pieter de Vries
The Purification of Struggle in Foucault’s Analysis of Ancient Philosophy
Charles E. Snyder
Marxist Interpretations of James Harrington: Early Modern Economics and Politics
Filippo Del Lucchese and Elia Zaru
Marx with Spinoza: Production, Alienation, History, by Franck Fischbach
Ted Stolze
Democratic Work: Radical Democracy and the Future of Labour, by Alexis Cukier
Gabriel M. Vieira
Dhruv Jain